

  • Pregnancy Testing For Better Decision-Making

    Pregnancy Testing For Better Decision-Making

    Podcast: Getting cows in calf is a critical part of dairy farming. Pregnancy testing can provide you with valuable information to help you make good management decisions about what needs to happen and when. How much time do you need to allow for your dry period? How long do you need to achieve your BCS target at calving? How will you group your early and late calvers into wintering mobs? Determining the pregnancy status of your herd via milk can be done as part of your CRV herd test. Listen to DairyNZ animal and feed developer, Sam Tennent, and CRV herd testing manager Mark Redgate to find out more.
  • Increasing Fertility By Decreasing Pregnancy Loss

    Increasing Fertility By Decreasing Pregnancy Loss

    Podcast: University research has shown that the stronger the intensity of a cow’s estrous (heat), the better chance she has of holding her pregnancy. These findings could help New Zealand dairy farmers improve the fertility of their herd by having a heat detection plan in place to ensure animals are put up for AI when their estrous intensity is at its strongest. Join Rosanna Dickson as she chats with Dr Ky Pohler from Texas A&M University about his findings and how New Zealand farmers can ensure they are mating their cows at the right time.
  • Dairy Beef

    Dairy Beef

    Podcast: Farmers have a range of beef breeds to consider when it comes to selecting the right genetics for their breeding programme. Dairy Beef semen is ideal to use across the tail-end of your mating season, or if you want to on-sell calves to the beef industry. CRV has seen real growth in interest in dairy beef over the last few seasons. The company offers Dairy Beef sires that have been screened carefully for short gestation and good growth rates. These sires work well in both the dairy and dairy beef industries. For this podcast, we have brought together breeders of four different beef breeds – Hereford, Angus, Stabilizer and Belgian Blue. We’re going to learn more about their operations and things to consider when choosing the right breed for your farming operation. Company product management specialist Mitchell Koot; Yvonne Lee from Bluestone Hereford; Duncan Elliott from Focus Genetics; and Simon Noppen from the Belgian Blue Group in Belgium.
  • CRV Launches myHERD For Insight Customers

    CRV Launches myHERD For Insight Customers

    Podcast: CRV’s new herd recording and farm management programme, myHERD is now available for CRV InSight customers. myHERD means dairy farmers can now manage all their herd records and data from multiple farming operations using just one tool. myHERD is the result of CRV’s partnership with leading farm software provider, FarmIQ. Listen to CRV Information and IT Manager Andrew Singers and FarmIQ GM Customer Success Jock Richardson as they chat about myHERD and the collaborative data integration this partnership offers.
  • Progeny Testing

    Progeny Testing

    Podcast: CRV’s Progeny Test (PT) farmers are the first to enjoy the genetic gains of superior sires. CRV Ambreed runs an industry-leading PT programme, which develops the next generation of elite dairy sires. PT compares the performance of sires through their offspring. In this episode, Sheryl Haitana chats with our PT programme manager, Janine Broekhuizen and breeding programme manager Aaron Parker. Listen to find out what’s involved with being a PT farmer and if our programme is right for you.
  • Global Sires

    Global Sires

    Podcast: In this episode, we talk about global genetics, their suitability for NZ farming systems and the benefits for NZ farmers of using CRV’s global sires offering. Joining the discussion is farmer Abe De Wolde from Woldwide Farm Limited in Southland, who uses CRV’s global sires. CRV Ambreed’s product manager Oceania Peter van Elzakker dials in from his home office. And from the other side of the world, we welcome Jaap Veldhuisen who heads up CRV’s breeding team in the Netherlands.