Global Sires

Podcast: In this episode, we talk about global genetics, their suitability for NZ farming systems and the benefits for NZ farmers of using CRV’s global sires offering.
Joining the discussion is farmer Abe De Wolde from Woldwide Farm Limited in Southland, who uses CRV’s global sires.
CRV Ambreed’s product manager Oceania Peter van Elzakker dials in from his home office.
And from the other side of the world, we welcome Jaap Veldhuisen who heads up CRV’s breeding team in the Netherlands.

About the Panel

Peter van Elzakker, CRV product manager Oceania
Peter was raised on a dairy farm in The Netherlands. A keen interest in anything to do with cows led him to study genetics and agricultural economics at Wageningen University.
Peter has worked for CRV since 1994 primarily in product management and sales roles in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Since 2012 he has been based in New Zealand, from where he has travelled extensively to South America, South Africa, USA and Europe offering technical support to the wider CRV team and promoting New Zealand Genetics.
Peter works with CRV’s New Zealand genetics team to produce the right grazing genetics and works with the company’s sales and marketing teams to promote these genetics in New Zealand and around the world.

Abe de Wolde, Woldwide Farm Limited
Abe and his wife Anita have been dairy farming for more than 30 years and own Woldwide Farms Ltd Southland. The farming operation milks 4,000 cows on 1,300 hectares with an average production per cow of 580kgMS. The de Woldes run a system 5 high input pasture-based operation, with wintering barns for half of their predominantly Fresian cows.
Currently, most of Woldwide Farms’ semen is Dutch, selected from the Dutch TIP ranking. The de Woldes run a CRV Progeny Test herd and from next spring their heifer calves will be DNA tested. The farm’s focuses on breeding a herd with high production capacity, sound udder and legs, lactation persistence and fertility.

Jaap Veldhuisen, Head of Product Development, CRV Netherlands
Jaap is responsible for overseeing the Dutch Holstein breeding program (NVI) for both the black and whites and red and whites, as well as for the MRI breed (dual purpose red and white breed).
His team is also involved in the feed intake trials CRV started as the first cattle breeding organisation in the world, and is also involved in data collection and development of hoof health indexes.
Jaap likes to stay hands on, so he is a contact person for a limited number of breeders in the Netherlands. Before his current role, Jaap was a sire analyst for CRV for the Delta nucleus herd and spent a couple of months with the breeding team in New Zealand in 2016. During that period, he was involved in introducing overseas genetics to New Zealand farmers.

Sheryl Haitana, Dairy Exporter
Sheryl Haitana is the Deputy Editor for the NZ Dairy Exporter magazine and the journalist for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty Regions.
Sheryl has a strong background in agricultural and mainstream journalism and has written for the Dairy Exporter for the last eight years.
Originally from a dairy farm in the Waikato, Sheryl has a natural passion for the dairy industry. She enjoys connecting with farmers and the wider industry to bring the latest information and stories to light.
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