Make the calving period less stressful, and herd records more accurate.
A2 Testing
Want to know the Beta Casein Status of your young stock without the expense of a DNA test?
Take advantage of the growing demand for A2 beta casein milk by using CRV services to identify your A2/A2 cows.
Simply order the number of standalone A2 tests you require with your CRV Field Consultant, take the swabs as below, and we will email you the results within 5 days of the lab receiving the samples.
The test analyses the DNA taken from the nasal swab sample for Beta Casein type (A1 or A2 type), and is carried out by Analytica Laboratories Ltd.
The nasal swab sampling method is recommended for testing youngstock or small groups of mature animals, due to ease and safety.
You will receive a report of the results via email, 5 days from the time the lab received the samples. myHERD clients will have the results for each animal uploaded to myHERD.
Results are only for Beta Casein A2 status, this is not a full DNA test.
A2 Testing is also available through our Herd Testing and DNA Testing services.