CRV’s solution to Herd Recording. With myHERD you can optimise the potential of your herd.
Progeny Test
By taking part in CRV's progeny test programme you can develop and enhance your herd using tomorrow's elite genetics today.
New Zealand dairy farmers have been working with CRV for over 30 years to develop generations of daughter proven sires. The elite Holstein Friesian, Crossbred and Jersey bull calves selected for CRV's progeny test programme ultimately ensure dairy farmers’ herds are competitive and continue to be more productive and more profitable in the future.
The Progeny Test programme runs for four years, from mating to the daughter entering the milking herd as a two-year old heifer.
CRV invites you to be part of a select group of farmers who are helping develop the next generation of elite dairy sires.
The Progeny Test programme begins with mating through to the daughter completing her first lactation as a two-year old heifer. It’s a long term commitment – it will be nearly four years between buying the straw and finishing the contract, and there are some great rewards.
To protect the integrity and credibility of CRV’s Progeny Test programme, there is set criteria you must follow to meet the contract obligations.
To protect the integrity and credibility of CRV’s progeny test programme, there is a set criteria to be eligible. We can assess if your herd is eligible based on information you provide about your herd and farm management system.
All progeny test farmers must herd record using myHERD, CRV Insight or Minda to get data into the national dairy core database.
You must herd test four times per year from year four onwards (once the two-year-olds enter the milking herd) on an a.m/p.m method. This provides CRV with the daughter testing information required to validate the performance of the young bulls and assess if their merit is high enough to graduate and be marketed in the sires catalogue.
All matings must take place in Spring for data collection and evaluation purposes.
You must also mate a minimum of 60-90% of your herd to our progeny test bulls (dependent on herd size)
Bring in 20% of your milking herd as two-year-old replacements
CRV contracts to JerseyNZ and the New Zealand Holstein Friesian Association to collect traits other than production (TOP) information. Farmers are required to draft two-year-old heifers out of the milking herd for TOP inspection, a one-off event that is arranged by the breeding association. In addition, farmers are required to score heifers for milking-related traits as they calve down.