AB Training Schools

<p>AB Training Schools</p>

AB Training Schools

  • AB Refresher Training (1 or 2 days)
  • AB DIY Training (1 week)
  • AB Technician Training (2 weeks)

CRV AB Training Schools

CRV offers AB Training Schools throughout New Zealand. Our trainers are experienced in all aspects of AB and provide training for both the DIY client as well as anyone who may be interested in joining our team of professional AB technicians.

Courses we offer:

  • AB Refresher Training (1 or 2 days): For those wishing to update their DIY skills.
  • AB DIY Training (1 week): For those wishing to learn to inseminate their own herd.
  • AB Technician Training (2 weeks): For those interested in becoming a commercial AB Technician.

The AB technician training course consists of two five-day blocks of training (not necessarily concurrent). Trainees must achieve a pass rate in week one of training (high placement and accuracy) to continue through to the second week. Only those who have passed both weeks of training will be considered employment as a CRV AB Technician.

CRV AB Training School South Island
CRV AB Training School South Island

What's involved?

The courses covers all aspects of artificial insemination plus LN2 and frozen semen handling, basic reproductive biology and Portabull app training.

Learn about:

  • Basic reproductive biology and heat detection
  • Practical instruction on the insemination process with live cow inseminations
  • Correct handling and thawing of frozen semen and safe handling of liquid nitrogen (LN2)

Receive immediate feedback from experienced instructors on the accuracy of inseminations and discounted equipment required to inseminate your own herd.

Date and timing of Courses

Courses are usually held late February to early June. Specific dates are times are given to participants after acceptance of application.

AB technician

2025 AB Training Courses

Our AB Apprentice courses have now closed for 2025
AB Tech

AB DIY Training Schools 2025

Register interest for our AB DIY Training Courses

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