

Developing solutions


    CRV invests in research to ensure New Zealand farmers have access to genetic solutions, enabling them to build healthier and more efficient herds. Innovation in genetics will help the sector:

    • boost profit
    • make more from less
    • adapt to change
    • reduce environmental footprint.

    Global access

    As a global company CRV has access to research worldwide.

    For many years, CRV has provided farmers with a choice of sires that perform not only in terms of production, but also from a broader health and sustainability perspective.

    Our investment in research and development is ongoing, with at least 20 per cent of our revenue each year dedicated to finding innovative genetic solutions for New Zealand farmers.

    Methane research

    Globally, CRV was the first cattle improvement organisation in the world to start large-scale measurement of the feed intake of dairy cows on working farms.

    Targeted breeding still has huge potential to improve the feed efficiency performance of cows.

    Recent research includes:

    • In 2020, CRV Netherlands began collecting the feed intake data of more than 1600 cows. This data has been used to develop a Feed Efficiency index.
    • In 2021 CRV Netherlands also announced a joint research project designed to measure the methane emission of an individual cow on-farm.
    • CRV is currently taking part in research, which is an industry collaboration funded by MBIE, in partnership with New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC), CRV and LIC, measuring feed intake and methane emissions – in the form of burps – from over 120 yearling CRV bulls. Read more.

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    Genetics will help meet climate change targets without sacrificing milk production

    Genetics has been identified as a means of building a long-term solution to climate change,” says Smallwood. “As an industry, if cow numbers are reduced farmers will need to improve efficiency per cow to ensure farming remains sustainable, both environmentally and economically

    Methane trial

    A possible link between a bulls’ genetics and the amount of methane they produce is being investigated. If successful farmers will be able to breed cows that burp less methane per kg of feed eaten.

    Genetics helps secure a premium for high quality milk

    Genetics will play a key role in helping farmers achieve a premium for their milk as part of Fonterra’s new Cooperative Difference Programme.