CRV works to ensure a sustainable national animal evaluation solution for dairy farmers

Crossbred Herd

While CRV agrees with DairyNZ’s proposed national animal evaluation concept and the inclusion of genomics, it do not endorse the proposal as it stands.

DairyNZ is currently consulting with dairy farmers and the industry on its proposed national animal evaluation breeding index that incorporates genomics (NZAEL 3.5).

“CRV in the Netherlands is a founder and full partner of the EuroGenomics Cooperative,” says CRV NZ Managing Director James Smallwood.

“Through this partnership we have experience in sharing reference population data with industry partners to achieve the most reliable genomic evaluations.

“What has been proposed by DairyNZ is one option. The learnings from our EuroGenomics partnership demonstrate there are alternative ways the New Zealand dairy industry can work together to get the best outcome for our farmers.”

Right now, James says CRV’s priority is communicating with its farmer customers and answering any questions they may have.

“We are encouraging them to have their say and participate in DairyNZ’s consultation process. My team and I will continue to engage with DairyNZ and we are committed to helping find a sustainable solution for New Zealand dairy farmers.”

James says CRV will keep working with its industry partners to demonstrate to farmers how genomically selected bulls, when combined with other innovative technologies can deliver accelerated genetic gain and breed healthier, more efficient cows – faster.

“For the last 54 years, CRV has helped dairy farmers in New Zealand breed healthier more efficient cows. It is our core business and will continue to drive everything we do.”

If you would like further information or talk with CRV further, then please contact James Smallwood, our Managing Director or Peter van Elzakker, our Grass Fed Genetics Manager.