Better Cows Better Life Campaign

What makes a good cow, why this is so important and how it impacts on the lives of farmers and staff.

It goes beyond high production. A resilient, healthy cow with a great temperament can have a far reaching impact on not only her own wellbeing, but that of staff and farmer alike. We travelled around NZ and asked our customers how working with us to improve their herd genetics impacts on them personally. We were blown away by the response. A big thank you to those who participated. Watch our farmer stories.

‘With CRV we’re building a herd with longevity.’

Robbie Sherriff, Huirimu Farms, Arohena.

But what is longevity and why is it so important? It goes beyond high production - a cow that lasts has a full purpose in life and has a significant impact on the staff and farmer alike. We asked Robbie why having better cows leads to a better life with CRV.

‘We’re passionate about having the cows we want to have in our herd and in our shed.’

Nicki Webster, Dorie, Mid Canterbury.

Good cows produce milk, and great cows do that and much more. Nicki and Peter Webster and their family, with Sharemilkers AJ and Kristy Keller of Dorie, Mid Canterbury are working alongside CRV to craft a herd that is more profitable and a pleasure to milk and manage. We asked Nicki why having better cows leads to a better life with CRV.

‘To sum it up in one word I’d say happiness. If you’re happy in your work, you’re happy in yourself.'

Mark Carter, Eltham, South Taranaki.

What does the cow of the future look like? How efficiently does it produce milk? What kind of life does it live? How does it behave, and what are the wider implications of interactions with farmers, staff, vets and families? We asked Mark Carter of Eltham why having better cows leads to a better life with CRV.